In mass effect 2, the galaxy is divided into clusters, systems, and planets. Very effective against armor, somewhat effective against shields and biotic barriers.
viper nebula is a cluster in mass effect 2 located at the skyllian verge next to the galaxy boundary. More images for mass effect viper » Rosenkov materialsdeveloped this deadly weapon in response to the rising prevalence of kinetic barriers. I've been using the viper sniper rifle, which seems okay, but nowhere near as satisfying as the mantis. the viper is one of three weapons that can be found during the mission planetside during the objective optional: Initially only the soldier and infiltrator classes are the able to use the viper. Andromeda 3.1 description 3.2 features 3.3. Mass effect viper mass effect 2 widow vs viper mass effect 2 viper download … See full list on Upgrades the mantis sniper rifle. Mass Effect 2 - Weapons Profiles - Guns - from See full list on 1 mass effect 2 1.1 description 1.2 acquisition 1.3 squad use 1.4 player notes 2 mass effect 3 2.1 description 2.2 acquisition 2.3 player notes 3 mass effect: Arrival after completing arrival, the viper nebula becomes inaccessible. Viper nebula features 1 system and 5 planets. Mass effect viper mass effect 2 widow vs viper mass effect 2 viper download … If you miss it, you have another opportunity to acquire it. So in the time it's taken to kill a Collector or a Harbinger with a burst-sniper, you could have killed one and whittled down the defenses of another whilst using a single-shot.Mass Effect Viper : Mass Effect M-97 Viper Full-size Replica : gaming. Numerically, those weapons might have more ammo, but you have to remember that you're firing three-round bursts with each trigger pull, and those bursts are doing less damage than single shots from either the Mantis or the Widow. The conceit people generally fall for with the Viper/Incisor rifles is the idea that they have more ammo. I'd recommend it over the Viper or Incisor pretty easily. "The Mantis is actually the second-highest rated Sniper Rifle, in terms of damage-per shot. Personally, I think the Viper is even worse than the Mantis if you're playing as an Infiltrator.
Said: " said: " I heard about the slomo on infiltrator but wasn't sure exactly how it works entirely, is it the cloak improvement? or the Class master when scoping or something? "You get bullet time when you look down the scope.