One player is automatically declared the campaign winner if the others are destroyed.To win, one player must control three capitals, which causes the other player to lose.Leaving the treaty unsigned will keep the victory conditions they would be in a single-player mode: Regardless, of which way you go, you’ll also have the ability to change the game’s victory conditions by way of a unique treaty in the diplomacy tab called ‘Shared Mandate.’ Two players can embark on the same story campaign in Three Kingdoms, playing from different computers as either friend or allies. How to Play Co-op Multiplayer in Total War Three Kingdoms How it Works Here’s how to play co-op multiplayer in Total War Three Kingdoms.

Luckily, you can team up with a buddy in a joint venture to rule the Middle Kingdom if you’re so inclined. But you’ll have to rely on more than just savvy battle tactics to emerge victoriously politics plays just as an important role as the fighting. Total War Three Kingdoms is a grand strategy game in which you’ll take on the mighty warlords of ancient China in a bid to become Emporer.